It is only one hour, but why does it wreck so much havoc! Boo to daylight savings time!
This is FUCKING 50!
- How come it takes you six tries to get off the phone with your mother? You'll be like "ok mom, I will talk to you later," and she will say "Girl, did I tell you about your brother?" Mom I just said I will talk to you later. LMAO!
- Man! Elise Neal looks fucking amazing! I saw the pictures of her yesterday and walked away from the candy I was about to eat. LMAO!
- A venti chai latte extra hot no water with soy milk makes mornings worth living!
- A 2016 goal of mine is to give up men with locs. They do me no good and are nothing but trouble! If I could write yelp reviews for all of the men with locs I have dealt with, it would simply say "Prepare to be dickmatized! You have been warned!" Where the bald head men at?
- Confession: I am black. I am black and I can't play spades well. Well actually I am black and I don't play spades because I can't play well and black people take spade games very serious.